From flying lizards to Federal agents…
you never know who or what may appear in Cubby’s world.

…the ATF agent in charge turned to me and said, “Mister Robison, the US government has no criminal interest in your son. We just want to clean this up and make it safe.  Somewhere in the US, every year, we find a Boy Scout genius with a chemistry set, and this is your year.”

I hope Raising Cubby will inspire students to see that there are many paths to success, and that oddball traits or interests may in fact lead to our best opportunities. I also hope it will inspire communities to embrace their misfits and understand how much they have to offer.

This is the story of how each of us found his place in the world, how we came to see ourselves as different rather than defective, and of how we discovered that even those of us on the autism spectrum have something unique to offer the world.

Whether you’re looking for entertaining stories of life as a geek, or you’re seeking insights into life on the autism spectrum, you’ve come to the right place!